- Slackjoint - Few Kids On The Drops
1 Track - Release: 05/2019 - Monolock - Tribales
1 Track - Release: 05/2019 - Klaustrophobia - Rest In Pics
1 Track - Release: 05/2019

- Neujahrsspätclub 2020
01.01.-02.01.2020 -> ov-silence Neujahrsspätclub 2020 - Silvester Experience - Welcome 2020!
31.12.19-01.01.20 -> Silvester Experience - Welcome 2020! - Sternstunden XXIV
24.-26.12.19 -> Sternstunden XXIV

Live - Israel - SECOND SIDE
Live - Germany - ANUBIS
Dj - Germany

Welcome to ov-silence Music!
After lots of hours of work we are finally ready to present
our new Homepage splitted in 3 main parts:
Its all about our label work
-> latest and upcoming releases as well as some free downloads.
“Future Events” and a huge library of the “Event History”, where you’ll find a selection of the most important parties organised by or in cooperation with us during the past 15 Years.
Here we just build the third, the new part of ov-silence Music.
-> The booking rooster contains a range of artists, mostly friends which you can book through us for your next party. Of course without any charge of an extra fee, just to support our friends.
More Info:
Because of the massive amounts of projects especially events we did, this side is still “work in progress”. So we hope you have fun to explore our new platform and we are sure you’ll find new posts, future projects or updated items at the history lists every further visit. Enjoy!
-> Here you’ll always find latest updates and fresh, short infos: